Matt's Skip Bins (MSB)-features

Modernising Operations for Matt’s Skip Bins

Matt's Skip Bins (MSB), a leader in the skip bin industry catering to both residential and commercial clients, sought to streamline their operations by modernising their existing app and website. Facing inefficiencies with their previous system built on Joomla CMS and bespoke PHP technology, MSB entrusted Intergy to spearhead a comprehensive redevelopment project.
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Business Health

We at Intergy worked with Business Health, an independent organisation specialising in customised advice and solutions to the financial services industry. This custom software solution was designed to assess the overall health of businesses, providing valuable insights into their traction, financial performance, personnel management, and customer service effectiveness.
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Unlocking the Potential of AlphaOne College with Custom Software Development

AlphaOne College, a coaching and tutoring institution catering to students from kindergarten through to Year 12, faced a challenge with their existing learning portal. Since their existing portal was part of a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) product, it lacked the flexibility required to accommodate the custom functions essential for AlphaOne's growing business.
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Boating Industry Association (BIA) Marine Card Project

The Boating Industry Association (BIA) is a not-for-profit organisation that acts as the peak body in Australian maritime and boating business. Their goal is to support marine businesses to thrive and grow whilst promoting the maritime industry as a whole.
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SMA – Business Management System in Microsoft Azure

SMA – Business Management System in Microsoft Azure

Since 2013, State Medical Assistance (SMA), has been specialising in the provision of Patient Transport, On-Site & Event Medical and Clinical Governance. With their experienced and qualified operational, customer service and leadership team, they deliver high quality, safe, flexible, patient centered and value for money in health care.
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