We are thrilled to announce that Intergy has recently achieved ISO 9001 certification, marking a significant milestone in our commitment to quality management and customer satisfaction. This achievement is a testament to our dedication to excellence and continuous improvement in all aspects of our operations.

In addition to our ISO 9001 certification, we are also proud to announce that we have successfully renewed our ISO 27001 certification for information security management. This dual certification underscores our commitment to quality, security, and customer satisfaction.

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ISO 9001 is an internationally recognised standard for quality management systems (QMS), and achieving certification demonstrates our ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer requirements and regulatory standards. Our ISO 9001 certification is a reflection of our unwavering commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and continuous improvement.


At Intergy, our commitment to achieving ISO 9001 certification is not just about upholding our own standards; it's also about delivering exceptional value to our clients. By undergoing the rigorous process of certification, we've demonstrated our unwavering dedication to quality management practices, which directly translates to tangible benefits for our clients.

Assurance of Quality

Assurance of Quality

ISO 9001 certification serves as a hallmark of quality assurance. For our clients, this means peace of mind knowing that they are partnering with a software development company that adheres to internationally recognised standards for quality management. Whether they are entrusting us with the development of critical business applications or seeking expert guidance on software solutions, our ISO 9001 certification underscores our commitment to delivering excellence in every aspect of our services.

Consistency and Reliability

Consistency is paramount in the software development industry, where even minor deviations can have significant repercussions. With ISO 9001 certification, our clients can expect a consistent and reliable approach to project delivery, from initial consultation to post-implementation support. Our adherence to standardised processes and procedures ensures that every project is executed with the same level of professionalism and attention to detail, resulting in reliable outcomes that exceed expectations.
Consistency and Reliability
Continuous Improvement Culture

Continuous Improvement Culture

One of the cornerstones of ISO 9001 is its emphasis on continuous improvement. By implementing a systematic approach to identifying areas for enhancement and implementing corrective actions, we continuously refine our processes and workflows to deliver greater value to our clients. Our commitment to ongoing improvement means that our clients benefit not only from our current capabilities but also from our relentless pursuit of excellence, ensuring that their software solutions remain at the forefront of innovation.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

Ultimately, the goal of ISO 9001 certification is to enhance customer satisfaction. By adhering to stringent quality management standards, we strive to exceed our clients’ expectations at every touchpoint. From the clarity of communication to the reliability of our deliverables, every aspect of our service is designed with our clients’ satisfaction in mind. Our ISO 9001 certification serves as a testament to our dedication to client-centricity, empowering us to forge lasting partnerships built on trust, transparency, and mutual success.
Enhanced Customer Satisfaction
Our attainment of ISO 9001 certification is not just a milestone for Intergy; it’s a testament to our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional value to our clients. By upholding the highest standards of quality management, we ensure that our clients receive the best possible service, setting the stage for continued success and growth in their respective industries.


The journey to ISO 9001 certification was a rigorous process that
involved several key steps and actions
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Preparation and Understanding

Our journey began with a thorough understanding of the requirements and principles of ISO 9001. We familiarised ourselves with the standard and its implications for our organisation, and tasked our Head of Compliance and Security with undertaking this process.

Management Commitment

Our Head of Compliance and Security worked diligently on the initial scope of our application, in conjunction with our Managing Director and Technical Director. We organised several strategic planning and steering committee meetings to ensure that our leadership team was fully committed to the ISO 9001 journey. This commitment was crucial, as it set the tone for the rest of the organisation and ensured that adequate resources and support were allocated to the project.

Gap Analysis

We conducted a comprehensive gap analysis to identify areas where our existing quality management practices aligned with ISO 9001 requirements and areas that required improvement. This step helped us identify strengths and weaknesses in our current processes that we could rectify prior to the final application being submitted. We also decided to take this process on ourselves – unlike our approach with the ISO 27001 certification we achieved last year, since we had some tacit knowledge that we could take into this.

Development of Quality Management System (QMS)

Based on the findings from our gap analysis, we developed a comprehensive Quality Management System (QMS) tailored to our specific needs. This involved documenting all our processes, procedures, and policies, ensuring that these met ISO 9001 standards. We created a detailed QMS manual, which served as a reference point for all quality-related activities within the company. Additionally, we set up a document control system, a QMS calendar to manage and track all QMS documentation, and relevant activities effectively.


With our QMS in place, we implemented the necessary processes and procedures across the organisation. We provided training to our employees to ensure they understood their roles and responsibilities within the QMS. To facilitate ongoing education, we have an internal quality awareness training program conducted annually to ensure all employees are aligned with our ISO 9001 goals.

Internal Audit

We conducted internal audits to assess the effectiveness and compliance of our QMS with ISO 9001 requirements. These audits helped us identify areas for improvement and corrective actions. An experienced consultant, whom we hired specifically for this purpose, carried out the internal audits to ensure objectivity and expertise. We used the findings to implement corrective and preventive actions, thereby enhancing the robustness of our QMS.

Management Review

We held regular management reviews to evaluate the performance of our QMS. These reviews allowed us to review audit findings, KPIs, any relevant customer feedback, and other data to drive continual improvement. The management reviews were critical in ensuring that our QMS remained aligned with our strategic goals and that any issues were promptly addressed.

Certification Audit

Once we felt confident in the effectiveness of our QMS, we engaged an external certification body (Intertek SAI Global) to conduct the certification audit. The audit was conducted in two stages: a preliminary audit to review our documentation and a comprehensive on-site audit to assess the implementation of our QMS. The auditors evaluated our processes, interviewed employees, and reviewed records to ensure compliance with ISO 9001 standards. The stage 2 audit was completed without any observations from the auditor, reflecting the thoroughness and effectiveness of our QMS. We received valuable feedback during the audits, which we used to make final adjustments before achieving certification.


Now that we have achieved ISO 9001 certification, our commitment to quality has just begun! We will continue to maintain and improve our QMS, conduct regular internal audits and management reviews, and address any non-conformities identified. We have established a continuous improvement program to ensure we keep up with the best practices and evolving standards in quality management.


At Intergy, we believe that quality is not just a goal but a way of life. Our ISO 9001 certification is a reflection of our dedication to delivering exceptional products and services to our clients while continuously striving for excellence. We look forward to continuing this journey of quality improvement and exceeding our customers’ expectations at every turn.

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