The Australian College of Dermatologists was established 50 years ago and is responsible for the training and professional development of medical practitioners in the field of dermatology. The Australian College of Dermatologists approached Intergy to upgrade their member management system due to system limitations and to meet standards compliance.


The Solution

We created a custom application for The Australian College of Dermatologists based on the Code Igniter and WordPress platforms. The new application includes features such as; members search, management of committees, CPD course management, facilities and positions management, a custom reporting engine, industry contacts and an email log.

Benefits and features

Engaged target markets, focused content for both College members and the general public

The new website based on WordPress makes it easy to find a dermatologist with the public being able to search by practice details, location or specialisation. Focused content is able to be searched by filters based on name, distance, state, and area of interest. We used the familiar Google maps API to integrate the College’s practitioner’s profile data.


Skin condition directory

We developed an A to Z skin directory, featuring over a hundred articles, with plans to expand this by over three times its size within the next two years.

The directory is an online resource containing articles which inform the public about common skin conditions and how these conditions may be treated.

The search functionality has been enhanced by using key search terms, such as the common and medical names, medications, and treatments.

Supporting Dermcoll to grow their members’ businesses

The new website has raised the profile of individual dermatologists who may not have an online presence through a digital profile as supported by the Dermcoll search tool.


Enhanced customer usability and increased page views

The new website has made it easier for users to find the valuable piece of content they need. This has been achieved with the navigation and interface designed to deliver content with the least amount of clicks possible. The result being captured using Google Analytics confirming that the College consistently is receiving an increase of over 10 x the daily page impressions when compared to the previous site.

Better informed event participants and an increase in attendees

Improved navigation and ease of web management have meant that events are easily added by admin staff. The inclusion of rich content has provided greater customer visibility to their events and have ultimately resulted in an increase in event participation.



The technology was determined by both the business and functionality requirements documented during the design and analysis workshops. Utilising open-source technologies offered intuitive interfaces and functionality whilst the business enjoys having zero ongoing licensing costs.

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